Tuesday 22 December 2015

What to gift this Christmas? - An end to gifting apprehensions

Gifting can be complicated business for businesses. While most of the businesses stick the usual Diwali regime, here is something that will make you stand apart. Keep In Touch is help you fix your queries when it comes to Christmas gifting.

Holidays do make the best of emotional connections. So why not explore strengthen your business associations this Christmas? Now, if you’re wondering what to give as business gifts and who to give them to, a general rule of thumb is to send gifts to the people who help make your company great. This generally includes clients, employees, and certain service providers.

Gifts for Clients
Throughout the world, business relationship experts suggest that you should send something small to all of your company’s clients at least once a year. Gifts keep you at the top of clients’ minds year round.
If your company has a small number of clients, or a small number of clients with particularly large accounts, you should try to customize their gifts as much as possible. Pay attention to each client’s habits or get some information from the sales people who have dealt with them. This is particular is our favourite hack. Nothing can be more surprising or uplifting as to receive your favourite gift on a festive occasion. These personalized gifts can make your clients feel like they’re special and really important to your business.
But if your business has too many clients for you to manage individual purchases, smaller more general items will do. But make it a point to avoid cheap promotional items like pens or notepads with your business logo. Even a personalised message card seems more genuine than these purely promotional items.
Times other than festivals - Alternatively, you might consider sending a gift to clients during another time of year. You could send a gift after the completion of a large project, a new product launch, or another type of milestone. This makes the client feel like an extended member of your business family.

Gifts for Employees
There is no secret that employees expect at least a small token of appreciation from their employer at least once per year. This often takes place during the holiday season or at the end of the year.
If you can’t afford sizeable bonuses for every employee, a small token like a fancy cake can still make them feel appreciated. Remember employees are an integral part of your business and keeping them happy is equivalent to keeping your company running.
As Richard Branson has rightly put
“I truly believe that if you take care of your employees, they will take care of your business.” 
The most important aspect of giving employee gifts is to remember every single person. Co-workers are likely to exchange information, so make it point that you do not miss out on anyone.

Gifts for Potential leads, Service Providers and other Intermediaries
Business have chains outside clients and employees, one cannot forget the contribution of Service Providers and intermediaries, also who doesn’t want to cash-in a potential lead. You can also personalize these gifts by adding a small token if appropriate, there is nothing better.

Nevertheless, gifts work wonders. Become someone’s secret SANTA today with Keep In Touch.

Tuesday 24 November 2015

Your Database is a Goldmine


If you are already spending a colossal amount on marketing, pamphlets, billboards, cold calling etc. and still not reaping benefits, then you might want to shift your focus on the gold mine that you already own – your database.

Think of all those times you had a walk-in client who looked very interested by could not be converted into a lead for whatsoever reason. Fast forward to current day when you have his essential information viz. Name, address, phone number, birthday etc. how about sending him a personalized SMS or a greeting card? Or rather a fresh flowers? Your sweet gesture on his special day is sure to make a lasting impression on him.

Database management as a word might seem to be intimidating but in reality it is the process through which will make your business structuring easier. Say, you are an enterprise that is managing all its records on a excel sheet. Although robust, excel lacks the leisure services of sending push notifications on important days and dates. Our application gives you the ease of managing your database by just filling a details for every client. Once all the entries are done, your database is created. And you can immediately utilize this segregated database at your privileges anytime, anywhere. The best part is that our cloud storage makes it easy for you to access your goldmine anytime & anywhere.

How will fare with Database management vs. without database management?

1.     Want a segregated list of clients who have used your services in particular time period, just feed the details and you will get the list in your hands. Orthodoxically you would have to go through the pain of manually finding these entries from a huge file.
2.     You will never miss out on getting notified on important events such as birthday of an elite and old client. You can strengthen your customer relations in a non-strenuous and relaxed way.
3.     Database management is a time saver, and ofcourse time is most important asset. Think of all the time you will save and all the business verticals you can escalate in that saved time.
Well, if you still aren’t convinced, shoot us a query on how we can help you optimize your business and we will get back to you with a customized solution for the same.

Till then Keep In Touch!

Saturday 14 November 2015

The Power of Gifting

No gift is small, useless or futile as long as its memory makes you reminisce the person who gave it.

Gifts have been an institutional part of society and civilization. Since centuries gifts have evolved tremendously, but the feelings behind gifting remain the same. In good old days people used to gift earthen ware, cattle, lands, etc.  Today we look forward to getting the latest killer android and iPhone form our peers.

Gifts can be an excellent way to emote your sentiments towards your loved ones. Gifting is gift for the people who otherwise aren’t very local about their feelings. Like a strict elder brother who wouldn’t show his affection, but will put tireless efforts to get the gift that his younger sister has longed for.

We learned that no one likes to be sold to, but everyone likes to feel appreciated. Haven’t you noticed that big brands and MNC give out liberal doses of gifting and incentive to their collaborates, managers, etc. this is their way of motivating people. They capitalize on an emotional trigger, motivating prospects to move to the next level.

Gifting can never get outdated. When done properly, gifts work like nothing else. A gift gladly accepted changes everything. The imbalance creates motion, motion that pushes us to a new equilibrium, motion that creates connection.

Gifting also creates a cycle of more gifting’s. For example take Diwali, everyone gives out gifts during Diwali. Boss gifts employee, who in return gifts his driver, who gifts his domestic help and then he gifts to his siblings.

Gifting is the power to give away, and the power to get more, the gifts carry real power, and others had to accept his power in order to engage. Thus let us keep this cycle flowing by taking an initiative today and go get a gift ASAP.

If you are confused as to what you can gift, let us help you at KEEPINTOUCH