Saturday 14 November 2015

The Power of Gifting

No gift is small, useless or futile as long as its memory makes you reminisce the person who gave it.

Gifts have been an institutional part of society and civilization. Since centuries gifts have evolved tremendously, but the feelings behind gifting remain the same. In good old days people used to gift earthen ware, cattle, lands, etc.  Today we look forward to getting the latest killer android and iPhone form our peers.

Gifts can be an excellent way to emote your sentiments towards your loved ones. Gifting is gift for the people who otherwise aren’t very local about their feelings. Like a strict elder brother who wouldn’t show his affection, but will put tireless efforts to get the gift that his younger sister has longed for.

We learned that no one likes to be sold to, but everyone likes to feel appreciated. Haven’t you noticed that big brands and MNC give out liberal doses of gifting and incentive to their collaborates, managers, etc. this is their way of motivating people. They capitalize on an emotional trigger, motivating prospects to move to the next level.

Gifting can never get outdated. When done properly, gifts work like nothing else. A gift gladly accepted changes everything. The imbalance creates motion, motion that pushes us to a new equilibrium, motion that creates connection.

Gifting also creates a cycle of more gifting’s. For example take Diwali, everyone gives out gifts during Diwali. Boss gifts employee, who in return gifts his driver, who gifts his domestic help and then he gifts to his siblings.

Gifting is the power to give away, and the power to get more, the gifts carry real power, and others had to accept his power in order to engage. Thus let us keep this cycle flowing by taking an initiative today and go get a gift ASAP.

If you are confused as to what you can gift, let us help you at KEEPINTOUCH 

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