Monday 22 February 2016

Evolution of CRM

CRM may not be very old but the importance of Customer Relationship antecedes back many centuries.

In the past -
In the old days of barter system, vendors used to give local specialties to the international merchants as an added gesture to ensure the revival of their client. Humans have always understood the importance of repeat business in an enterprise. Therefore, businesses have always been cautious when it comes to client relations.

The evolution -
With the increase in technology and business complexity, CRM software was introduced. Over the period CRM has gradually evolved as an indispensable part of the organization. From Microsoft CRM to Sugar CRM, Salesforce, SAP and Oracle everyone is doing it. Customer relationship management (CRM) is nothing new, but the ways in which sales teams can utilize the platform has evolved significantly. In the past, it was one-way data. Today, data is social and sharable. It enables collaboration between teams for better results.

CRM and you -
One may not realize but we are surrounded by CRM activity everywhere. The emails, SMS, newsletters, feedback calls, loyalty cards, etc are all an integrated part of CRM. You knowingly or unknowingly have affinity to a certain company thanks to their constant and powerful CRM system.

CRM and its methods -
CRM can be implemented in a number of ways. It can be automated, integrated and extended as a separated department within a company. Irrespective of the size and genre of the company, CRM can be fruitful to every company using it.

The innovation -
Although lately CRM has spawned into an entity that is all about technology and the big game. Keep In Touch procreated joint, why not merge the old and new CRM concepts together! So here was the big innovation. Keep In Touch merged the traditional concept of gifting with the modern agility of technology. In short, CRM evolved from being an emotional essence to technical subsistence to an amalgamation of both.

The concept – Businesses can send Cakes, Chocolates, Greeting, SMS, Emails to colleagues, business associates and employees all with a single click on an application.

To be a part of this ever growing and evolving CRM industry, Keep In Touch with us!

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