Tuesday 12 January 2016

2016 bucket list for Businesses

1.  Steal some stoplight
Get your business featured in eminent article. Also the coverage will bring some great publicity, isn’t it?

  2. Spread Happiness
Do a philanthropic activity through your business. The happiness of giving is real.

3.  Innovate
Create something innovative in your verticals. Spend free time on research and create something that the world needs.

4. Make memories
Make people and customers feel special with warm and personalised gestures and gifts that they will always remember.

5. Connect
Establish strong bonds with your clients, make them feel appreciated and loved.

6. Go Green
Contribute you bit to the environment by making your business go Green.

7.  Techo friendly
Embrace technology by using resourceful techniques that will save your time and efforts that orthodoxy style requires.

8.  Expand
Your business does not have to be stagnant and every business have the ultimate goal of expansion.

9. Reward thy Employees
Without a doubt your employees are the most important asset of your business. Reward them for their hard work and loyalty to boost their morals.

10. Community
Create a business community of like-minded businesses and entrepreneurs who will bring about a refreshing change in society.

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