Saturday 2 January 2016

Introduction to Lead Nurturing

We have all heard about the concept of lead nurturing! But have you ever wondered why is it called so?
Care for and protect (someone or something) while they are growing.
"Jarrett was nurtured by his parents in a close-knit family"

Do leads really need NURTURING? YES, because you want them to grow and get converted in clients.
Businesses have to adhere to the obligatory practice “the follow-up.” Clearly, to be a good sales person, you need to realize that leads need a little push, and it usually comes in the form of nurturing.
So basically nurturing is the activity of giving a gentle push to your leads in order to convert them. If you still don’t have a lead nurturing programme or you think it’s a waste of time and energy, just ask yourself a simple question, “Will your leads remember you if you don’t follow up?”
People (read Leads) meet and interact with a lot of people (read businesses) on daily bases. The probability of their might forget about the company is on a heavier side. Therefore, you definitely need to remind and re-remind them about your presence.
There are innumerable ways to nurture your leads and put them in your sales funnel! But we will start with the most inexpensive and basic method that has been tried and tested and passed from the longest time know to businesses.
No prize for guessing it’s the humble Email marketing!
You (read business) have already spent a significant amount of money to collect new prospect through various channels.  To be bluntly true, not most of them are not truly “sales ready.”   With lead nurturing you can continue to reach out those names in your marketing database that are not sales ready—without spending any more marketing moolahs. 
Requirement - All you need is some valued content, some benefits-oriented emails, and segmented lists. 
Process - Whatever email marketing strategy you devise, don’t do the mistake of creating one general campaign for all of your leads; create different campaigns for different leads. You can build out campaigns based on industry, job function, company size, subject interest, etc.
Leads who have expressed initial interest need a general welcome and introduction to your product and industry, while others might need repeated nudges now and then.
Frequency – We recommend that you do it once every two weeks. This will keep audience updated with fresh content and they will feel connected with your business.

Conclusion - More often than not, lead nurturing is achieved by using a marketing automation platform, which is US. At Keep In Touch, we will enable you to create email marketing campaigns to nurture leads.

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